It may technically be spring - the days are getting longer (yay!) - but winter hasn't quite let go of northern Utah yet. The biggest storms seem to always roll in on Thursdays, which is less than ideal when we head down to Moab. We lucked out for our early March trip down, however, as the snow stayed pretty high and our drive down was uneventful and of the usual duration: 3.5 hours as opposed to that epic 6.5 hour one.
It's definitely edging towards spring in southern Utah, even in Moab which has nearly the same elevation as Salt Lake City. There is still snow in the La Sals and it is still chilly at night and in the shade and when the breeze picks up. But the flowering trees have started to flower and if there's no wind and the sun is out, well, that's just pleasant.
Friday morning, A and Milton headed out onto Pipe Dream/Pipeline for that 7.2 mile lollipop route. We encountered just a few people on Pipe Dream - a MTBer with a dog, a hiker with two sweet labs and a solo trail runner - and one on the Pipeline - a hiker with a dog - but there were lots of cars at the Hidden Valley trail head, more than we've seen in a while. Although it hasn't been a particularly hard winter, people are antsy for nice weather.
While A and M were doing their hike, H did a short trail run. He doesn't have a plan for any races yet but he's keeping his running fitness up. That afternoon we swung by Josie Wyatt's and, as we walked through town, it is obvious that the off season is over in Moab. Almost all the shops and restaurants are open now and there is more traffic, both vehicular and foot.