Wednesday, December 16, 2009

looking forward

Once the ski season kicks into gear, H and I will pretty much put everything else on hold, skiing every weekend until the snow is gone. The converse of this is that when the snow is finally gone, we’ll have all this free time to fill.  In anticipation of this, I’ve started making lists* of as-yet unexplored things that we can dive into come springtime.  Here's some of what you'll see here in future posts:

*H is a spreadsheet addict while I am a notes and lists addict, with little scraps of paper all over everywhere, each inscribed with Very Important Things, of course.


  1. Why does a mouse care about finding the best mole on the planet? Oh, that's right, you are out West now. You mean mole as in food, not animal.

  2. Mices, moles ... it's like Wind in the Willows out here! (How's that for a nearly erudite reference?)
