Tuesday, June 30, 2020


We felt like we needed to make it up to Milton by taking him on a hike on Sunday.  With the temperatures reaching normal (i.e., hot), we thought some place with a creek would be best, like Mill Creek's main/less popular fork. We had done this hike last Labor Day weekend and Milt had gotten overheated then; this time we got an earlier start and I brought his white t-shirt, just in case.

Desert primrose (?)

We were the second car in the lot and for much of our hike, didn't see anyone else: a couple of hikers on the other side of the creek on our way out, and then a handful of people and dogs on the way back.  Milton was thrilled with the creek, plunging in, dashing around, ducking his head and trying to catch the waves in his mouth.  And because we had gotten an early enough start, and the canyon walls were high enough, we were in the shade for all of the outward leg and half of the return.

I don't know what this is but it's cheerful

This is a very pretty canyon walk.  The trail is mostly sand or packed dirt, with very little noticeable up and down.  We heard canyon wrens and other bird song and Milt got buzzed by a hummingbird due to the red bandanna he wears hiking.

I could walk this kind of trail forever

Although it is getting too hot for most desert wildflowers, there were a few, delicate and yet so, so hardy.  The juniper trees were laden with berries and we saw tadpoles and tiny minnows in some still pools of the creek.

Some cowboy jacuzzis in the creek

We went all the way to the end, where there are petroglyphs, the ruins of an old cabin and where the Steel Bender jeep road comes in.  When we finally lost our shade on the way back, we walked in the creek so Milt could have all the water he needed.  The water felt great: cool but not at all cold.  These Mill Creek canyons are a real gift and it's clear why the locals love them so much.  There's hardly any snow left in the LaSals, though, so I wonder how much longer the creek will run so well until the rains return in the fall.

Finally lost our shade

Hike stats:  7.57 miles; moving time 2:57/speed 2.6 m.p.h.; overall 3.27/2.2 m.p.h.; 790' elevation

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