Sunday, July 12, 2020


We returned to Millcreek for a final hike before heading back north.  Although there is no snow left in the La Sals, the creek is still flowing quite nicely, and the two branches of the canyon make for refreshing oases in the desert.  We got up early and headed up the more popular fork, climbing up above the main falls where most people hang out.

Splish splash

We had hoped to go way up the creek, looking for the ever-elusive Pocket Arch, but were waylaid when the big pool proved too deep: it was up to H's shoulders, which would have been over my head, which would have made it tough to keep our packs (camera, GPS, phones) dry.  We did think we found a way around, by backtracking and potentially scaling some steep slickrock, but we both had worn sneakers with hardly any grip to the soles and didn't want to risk a slip.  Next time!

What a good boy!

Instead, we had some swimming lessons at the pools above the main falls - where Milton actually swum for the first time, paddling all four feet! - and then crossed to the other branch of the canyon and went up a ways, just to enjoy the day and get our miles in.  We only saw a couple other people up there, even as the morning wore on.

Summer sky

There was plenty of people-watching back at the parking lot, as we had beers with our sandwiches.  Best of all, a couple of jeeps had driven down to Potato Salad Hill across the creek and we had an excellent view as they tested themselves on the obstacle.  The guy with the custom rig went right up it like it was nothing; the guy driving the stock jeep stared at it for a while and then slunk away without trying.

Hike stats: 6.11 miles; moving 2:24 hours/2.5 m.p.h.; overall 2:59/2.0 m.p.h.; 820 feet elevation

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