Friday, March 12, 2021

white frosting

Last weekend we spent in SLC where, according to all the crocuses that I saw springing up in everyone's yard, spring was giving us a preview.  Milton and I did our homebody thing with our long walks in the morning (on Sunday, we met Oakley, a year-old something-doodle, in a park near our house and she and Milt chased each other around and around and around), and then got all domestic.  If spring is really coming, it's going to get too hot to bake so I figure I need to take advantage of the still-cool weather.

Can you believe I even have a cake stand?

I made a pan of scratch brownies that went directly into the freezer, a batch of banana-nut muffins (both pecans and walnuts) and that golden milk cake that I made before, although this time - at H's suggestion - I doubled the recipe.  That means double the cake, y'all, and that's a good thing.

It looks like cake (crappy food 
styling/photography notwithstanding)

I also made a vegan chorizo soup for the freezer and we had two new recipe attempts for dinners: a 
tantanmen ramen (delicious but a lot of work for a soup) and a tamale shepherd's pie (which sounds odd but was yummy and made a LOT of food).  

The snow in the Ballroom looks like my vanilla frosting

I also did all the laundry and vacuumed the stairs, but no one wants to hear about that.

Superior looming large in the distance

H went skiing both days, where it was mostly clear, a little chilly, a little crowded and all skied out, what with no new snow for a week.  Conditions were very firm until about 11 a.m., when the sun got high enough to soften things up; off-piste in the morning was not recommended.  Alta had finally opened Devil's Castle on Friday (?) for the first time all season, the low snow having kept it closed until now.  H also reported that patrol was working on East Castle; that area hasn't been open either but that's not atypical in a low snow year.

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