Monday, October 24, 2022

in which we actually get on our mtbs

We did get out MTBing a couple of times - a rare occasion this season, I must admit - but since we didn't go anywhere we haven't gone many, many times before, we didn't take any photos.  So I'm just going to lump these two excusions together in this one post, for posterity.

It was another gorgeous day at Moab Brand Trails: clear, sunny, scarcely a breeze, cool but comfortable.  We noticed that some of the dirt trails had taken a little damage from the recent storms: some runoff channels, some looser rocks, lines slightly different, but nothing too bad.  I was not riding particularly well, with no confidence and shakier-than-usual bike handling skills.  I did manage to catch up with a dude riding an e-MTB on the back half of the Bar M loop, though, so I felt pretty good about that.

We also got back up to Dead Horse Point State Park.  It was very busy, because we were later than we often are, having waiting for it to warm up (as opposed to the summer months, when we try to get on the trails just as the sun comes up so it isn't too hot), plus it was a Saturday.  And although it was busier than we've experienced it for a while, it truly wasn't that bad out on the trails as we were able to leapfrog several groups at opportune times.  I rode much better this time, even managing this one tricky uphill/corner/tree/rock combination that usually gives me trouble.  It was a good ride and great weather.  It's no wonder that October is one of the busiest months in Moab with days like that being common.

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