Friday, March 24, 2023

catching a break

 We did actually catch a bit of a break with the weather on Saturday.  It rained in the morning and it rained in the afternoon, but there was a window in the middle of the day where blue sky actually broke through.  Milton and I took advantage and went for a hike: the Moab Rim loop/lollipop. 

Pretty desert

We didn't break any new ground - up the steep Moab Stairmaster trail, out around the Moab Rim loop counterclockwise so that we went up Tire Test Hill and down Sand Hill, out through the wash and back down - but I did note a wash before Tire Test and a side canyon in the wash that I want to check out next time.  I'm sure Milton won't mind a little extra exploration.

Milton also likes the view

Because of the recent rain, there were plenty of potholes from which Milt could drink.  The sand of Sand Hill was also nice and compacted, easy to walk in, relatively speaking.

Follow the red sandy road

We pretty much had it to ourselves too.  There were several women finishing up an earlier morning Stairmaster circuit as we started; we saw three hikers out on the loop portion; and there were maybe five vehicles making their way up the steep part as we came down.  We also saw a very large desert cottontail - Milton gave it his best chase but that bunny was savvy enough to lose him without much trouble.  

"Where's that dang rabbit?"

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