Saturday, June 24, 2023

something's afoot

 Content has been sparse since Memorial Day weekend, in large part due to my ankle sprain.  It's four weeks later now and while the swelling is less, it's still swollen and somewhat sore.  It's very stiff to walk on in the morning.  I've been wearing a compression wrap sometimes that helps with the swelling, and the doctor I (finally) saw recommended stretching for my Achille's tendon.  

Immediately after I sprained it, May 28

After two weeks of hobbling around, I couldn't stand it anymore and took my MTB out for some paved hill climbs around our Sandy neighborhood.  I wore that compression wrap and it wasn't too sore during the ride.  But when I stopped, I couldn't twist my foot to unclip from the pedal: I had to unlace my bike shoe, take my foot out of the shoe and then unclip the shoe from the pedal.

A little better by June 10

All of this is to say that hiking has been non-existent since then in northern Utah (plus most of our favorite trails are still deep with snow) and pretty vanilla in Moab.  We were down for a weekend recently and Milton was really needing some off-leash time.  While H did road rides (bike path rides) each morning, Milton and I walked down to the Jackson Street trailhead for the Pipe Dream trail to get at least a little trail time.  I limited us to two hours total, including on-leash sidewalk walking, so it really wasn't much to get excited about.  Except for the dog who got VERY excited to chase lizards, smally furry critters and birds.  Hopefully my ankle will continue to improve so we can go a little further afield next time.

Getting to the end of the southern
Utah wildflower season

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