Sunday, April 14, 2024

more skiing and homebodying

 Despite my still having three days to ski before the season ends, I again opted out of skiing today (see previous post re being over winter conditions).  H went up to Alta, noting that the bus was not very crowded and the road much less dicey than Saturday.  It was still cold, but less windy, and snowed off and on all day, although never amounting to much.  There seemed to be more people than the day before but patrol did a great job opening more terrain and spreading those people out.  He had another terrific day, finding thigh-deep stashes on the Backside and down Chartreuse Nose.  

She deep

Milton and I did our Dimple Dell loop, stopping in to say hey to the new bison.  It took us a while because there were a LOT of things to sniff as it had been several weeks since we did the whole loop.  Back at home, while the dog pouted that it wasn't sunny and warm enough to lay out in the driveway (mostly cloudy, high 30s and occasional flurries), I meal-prepped black beans in the InstantPot, made a coffee cake and the best vegan chili, vacuumed and finished a library book.  The sun finally came out around 5 p.m. but by that time, Milton was content to snuggle up on the bed with H, watching videos while the chili simmered.  Not the most scintillating weekend (nor the most productive, as I was hoping it would have been warm enough to do some weeding (dang weeds)), but sometimes that's what you get.  We're all together, healthy and happy, and that's enough.

Also: Alta is at 611 inches on the season!

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