Monday, October 7, 2024

csa summer: twelfth and thirteenth boxes

Box #12 had multiple kinds of peppers, apples, a cucumber, several varieties of peaches, pears, plums, some winter squahes and, not to be outdone, zucchini and summer squash.  If I'm honest, this box seemed a little light.  It's been so hot in Utah, I wonder if crops struggled more than usual.  I mean, we are in a desert.  I made up for it by buying fifty pounds of red Idaho potatoes, which at $22 seemed like a pretty good deal.

Four separate squashes in one photo

The thirteenth box had corn!  And also raspberries!  At the end of September!  We also got acorn squash, butternut squash, apples, onions, potatoes, carrots and tomatoes.  The carrot tops were looking both limp and crispy so I didn't bother to pesto-ize them this time.  The corn was, amazingly, really good - better than the last time we had corn - even though the ears were huge.

Holy moly corn on the cob

What did we make of our bounty?  I snuck the summer squash into a chana masala (chickpea curry) and hid the zucchini in a tofu scramble (also put some jalepeno in there) and burrito bowls.  The burrito bowls also took care of more chilies, green pepper, onions and tomato.  I roasted a bunch of winter squash to put in the freezer for Milton; I also chopped up the carrots and the remaining onions with some celery, sauteed it and then froze it in icecube trays to use for soup starters when we don't have time to chop.  The apples all got turned into apple pie filling for the freezer (also quite tasty on oatmeal).  And I made a smoothie with the cucumber, lime juice and some frozen watermelon - surprisingly refreshing.

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