Wednesday, January 29, 2025

stashes for 'staches

After about a week with no new snow, a small storm rolled into northern Utah Friday night through Saturday.  It didn't bring all that much to the party (Alta got about three inches, just barely more than we got in the valley) but at least gave things a little refresh.  H's morning ski bus was completely full.  It was not a particularly pleasant day up at Alta - yet another one A wouldn't have enjoyed - being cold, windy, socked in/skiing in the clouds with very flat light.  He didn't even stay all that long, leaving on the 1:09 bus.

H must have at least looked like he was having a great time, though, because of the facial hair commentary: upon noticing H's ice-caked mustache, a lifty gave him a fist bump and said, "Looks like somebody's finding some snow!"

Gloomy Alta scene

Meanwhile, down in the valley, A and Milton did their Dimple Dell loop, where we met Chance, the 100 lb. husky mix, who chased Milt a little (he was not quite fast enough to really give M a workout) but mostly leaned against A's legs for butt scratches.  It snowed all day but the flakes were tiny, barely adding up to two inches.

On the homefront, we did some snow shoveling, made five quarts of veggie broth, a braised Indian chickpea stew for the freezer, Mexican hot chocolate cupcakes (with cinnamon and cayenne) and an "orange chicken" dish for dinner, using soy curls.

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