Wednesday, March 12, 2025

in which it is still spring, but perhaps not for much longer

 My dough for the olive bread failed - or rather, I failed it, not putting nearly enough flour in to match the wet ingredients, despite the notations I had left for myself to that effect from the last time I (successfully) made the bread.  So I made wholemeal muffins instead to tuck into the freezer for future snacks.   I also made several quarts of veggie broth for the freezer and a veganized Moroccan "chicken" curry with couscous soup (from The Daily Soup Cookbook).

Milton and I also did our five-ish mile loop under even warmer sunshine than Saturday; we said hi to six dogs (down from the eleven the day before) and M got gratuitious trail snacks from a nice woman who thought he was handsome.  Back home, while I was puttering around in the kitchen, he got some more good driveway time, soaking in the sun and keeping an eye on the neighbors.

Blue and white

Meanwhile, it was gorgeous up at Alta.  The snow had that spring feel to it, though: super firm and crusty in the morning, as it had set up hard after the Saturday afternoon thaw.  H thought he still heard a generator churning away up there but the lifts seemed to be running better.  His mustache compliment came this time from a girl liftie (woman liftie? chick liftie?) so that counts as extra.

The bus driver on the 1:39 down canyon bus was flying - so much so that on one corner, a girl actually slid out of her seat from the centrifugal forces - but even with the quick descent, it was already clouding up by the time H got home.  No more driveway time and no tailgating, alas.  And as the evening wore on, the winds picked up.  Perhaps one should not put the snow shovels away quite yet.

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