Thursday, August 15, 2019


We are taking a break our regularly-scheduled Moab vacation coverage to bring you a brief update on recent MTBing at Round Valley in Park City.  We had to check the trail conditions because there had been some pretty substantial local storms recently - including one that caused major landslides across Little Cottonwood Canyon, closing the road for more than twenty-four hours.  The trails were dry but boy, were they ever busy!

When we pulled into the Quinn's Trailhead parking area, it was pretty full.  Not only was the third race of the Park City Trail Series going on but there were just a LOT of MTBers out there too, including several squads of high school age riders.  The high school teams weren't there racing, just training or scouting, and to be honest, some of them were a little annoying, not heeding to the uphill-has-the-right-of-way creed.  We suggested to the adult coaches trailing off the back of the pack that they might want to teach their team some trail etiquette.  We were even polite about it.

Riding the brakes on Down Dog
Rolling through Rambler

Because of the trail race going on, we had to pick and choose our route to stay out of the runners' way as best we could.  We managed to do a P-Dog loop (PorcUClimb and Down Dog), rode up Kari's and Highside to the midpoint of the "Sweet Sixteen" switchbacks, then finished the climb on Rambler.  We even worked in a new-to-us trail, Backslide.  We went counterclockwise and I didn't love it as it was pretty rocky, which meant some struggles on the climb; we think that if we went the other way, the climb might be easier.  But then all the rocks would be on the downhill bits.  Can't win.

It wasn't the best day of riding but the temperature was pleasant and the trails were in good shape.  They can't all be A+ days, I guess.  Plus we learned a lesson:  go early on August Saturdays ... or go on Sundays.

Ride stats: 15.16 miles

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