Saturday, June 22, 2024

big easy

 I can't really believe it but it has been multiple years since we've been MTBing at Park City.  We got out of the habit when gas prices got so high.  It's not like they've gone down all that much but I really, really wanted to go.  Both H and I had Wednesday off and that seemed like the perfect time to go to Round Valley: even though we had to wait until noon for it to warm up (it had been in the 30s F when we woke up), it was still far less busy than it ever is on the weekends.

A crummy screenshot of my new favorite trail

We parked at Quinn's Trailhead and headed out on the doubletrack as we always used to do.  The trails were dry but in good shape and it was clear that a lot of trail maintenance had taken place since our last visit.  We dropped down the renamed Badger, which had been rerouted and de-rocked nicely, picking up Cove (what I used to call "My Nemesis") and Cammy's.  Then we connected over to do the P-Dog loop: climbing Porc-U-Climb and descending Downward Dog back to Matt's Flat.  Then it was back up to the Porc-U-Climb/Rambler intersection and down Rambler (our "Sagebrush Switchbacks") to Round Valley Express.  Here we saw that they had extended Big Easy: last time we'd ridden at Round Valley, it was a short, flowy new trail on the eastern edge of the park.  Now it has been extended as a long (5.83 mile), flowy new trail that circles most of Round Valley.  We did the new part counterclockwise, surprising some MTBers who were very much enjoying the downhill ride - it is NOT a one-way trail, however.  It was a great climb, steady but never too steep, not at all rocky, and an excellent alternative to the Rademan Ridge route which I dislike immensely.  From the top of that climb, it was a fun descent back to the Practice Loop and out.


We rode about thirteen miles and I felt pretty good about it.  We can't wait another couple years to go back, though, as now I want to do the whole Big Easy loop and give that great climb a try in the opposite direction.

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