Tuesday, June 11, 2024

exeunt spring

[Saturday continued]  After my feet thawed out, H and A did a 24 mile road ride (1:44 hours; 13.8 average speed) on the bike path, which was the same route as on Friday but we went further past the Arches entrance before turning around.  After lunch at home, we cruised the Moab Arts Festival.  

Sharp little puppy teeth

Then, since we literally had to walk past it to go home, we stopped in at Josie Wyatt's.  One of the bartenders is fostering a six-week old Underdog rez puppy - "Gherkin" - and we were able to snuggle and play with her while we were there.  An absolute sweetie, she never once barked or whined, easily fell asleep in H's lap, is nearly housebroken and her leg cast doesn't slow her down at all.  An afternoon storm blew in and, once the rain let up a bit, we fast-walked home through the drizzle, glad we'd thought to close the windows before leaving (but kind of wishing we'd brought raincoats).

She nap

On Sunday, we three went up to the Slickrock trail at Sand Flats Recreation Area: H and Milton did a five mile run and A did a 4 mile hike.  That wasn't quite enough exercise for me, however, so after H graciously fixed the flat tire on my road bike, A did the 21 mile bike path road ride solo (same route as Friday) - and even managed to pass three other road cyclists whilst climbing uphill.  I did get passed by one guy, skinny and probably half my age, on a downhill section.

Morning slickrock

This was probably the best day we had, weather-wise - gorgeous skies, clear and cool.  We did go back to Josie Wyatt's in the late afternoon, where Gherkin was once again in attendance.  We were accused of just being there to hold the puppy but obviously we also like to drink beer.

End of the bike path along the river

And then it was Monday.  It started heating up - farewell spring temperatures, hello summer.  After walking Milton around the neighborhood, H and A did that 21 mile road ride (1:28 hours; 14.2 m.p.h. average speed).  We were smart enough to arrange our schedules so that we did the drive back to SLC early Tuesday morning (up at 4 a.m., on the road by 4:30); later we learned that Route 6 was back up, full stop, for ten miles going into Spanish Fork.  Grateful to have avoided that, grateful to have had a very nice last spring weekend before summer hits.

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