Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 On Sunday, I decided to do the exact same thing that I'd done on Saturday, to see how the experiences compared.  In Utah, there's a Sunday factor where things are less busy on Sundays because all the Mormon folk have to go to church.  This has been diminished somewhat in recent years, as more and more non-Mormon people have moved to Utah (us included, obviously).

So Milton and I did our Dimple Dell loop again, getting underway before 6.  It seemed to be about the same temperature (75ish) but it was cloudier, keeping the sun from getting too strong as it rose over the mountains.  Compared to Sunday, there were fewer people out and about at that time, just a handful of dog-walkers.

Flowers just getting going above 10,000 feet

I dropped the dog off at home, changed my boots and was heading up the canyon by 7:50 a.m.  The re seemed to be less traffic going up Little Cottonwood and slightly fewer cars at the White Pine trailhead (but still a LOT of cars at the WP trailhead, don't get me wrong).  I pulled into the Albion lot at 8:25 where it was 63F, about five degrees cooler.  There was partial cloud cover, a cool breeze and fewer cars parked ahead of me (but still quite a few).  

A at 10,500 feet

There were definitely fewer people out on the trail, especially fewer descending trail runners and - wonder of wonders - four of them pulled over to let me by as I went up.  I thanked them profusely.  The cooler temperature made for a much more pleasant hike, and I didn't push myself as hard as there weren't as many people out there to pass.  (I did pass fourteen and no one passed me.)  At Catherine's Pass I paused for a quick snack and then pressed on up to the ridge across Catherine's Area, then continued down through the ski area and campground.  There were still people coming in as I wound my way down through Albion Meadow - and I said hello to the Wine Hiking Society, a womens-hiking-and-drinking (but you don't have to drink) group I follow on Instagram, who were having mimosas near Alf's.  

Buttercups (I think)

When I got back to the car, it was for sure less busy than it had been the day before.  Yes, the day wasn't as sunny but it was cooler and the air was clearer so, in conclusion, the Sunday factor is still a thing.  

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