Sunday, July 28, 2024

csa summer 2024: third box

 Without trying to be too critical, I think the third box was slightly less than others we've had.  We did get lots of cherries - two different kinds - but the Rainier cherries looked a little rough (tasted fine though).  We also got a carton of raspberries, a huge head of romaine lettuce, a good number of apricots, some small carrots with greens attached, a couple of summer squash and two bundles of spring onions.

Well that's a terrible photo

We immediately divided up the raspberries: H ate his and I added mine to my overnigh oats for breakfast.  We also ate the best cherries and apricots.  The more rugged cherries went into a vanilla-cherry-chia refrigerator jam (it looks a little weird but at worst it'll be a good add for oatmeal; I made a carrot-top and parsley pesto for the freezer (as it is too hot to boil water for pasta right now); and a delicious scallion vinaigrette.  The squashes got shredded and frozen for soups, smoothies, scarpaccia; and the remaining apricots got frozen too, to be made into cobbler or similar when it is cool enough to bake.  

Honestly, I'm not sure we're going to eat the romaine.  It is quite tough - it is way too hot in Utah for lettuces - and I'm just not loving the looks of it.  Trying to figure out if there's anything I can do to keep from wasting it, though - maybe crisp it in the dehydrator, then blend it into powder for smoothies or veggie broth?

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