Monday, July 8, 2024

csa summer 2024: first box

Woohoo!  It's CSA time again!  As we've done for the past couple of years, we're getting CSA boxes from Tagge's Famous Fruit and Veggie Farms.  This year, our first box arrived on July 3.  This was a little awkward since we were on our way down to Moab for a long (hot) holiday weekend.  But we just took the box with us.  

We got cherries, peaches, apricots, English peas, beets with greens, garlic scapes, radishes, summer squash and zucchini.  H and I plowed through the cherries in three days; had the beet greens sauteed in olive oil with a little garlic and red pepper flakes; put the squashes and garlic scapes into veggie pancakes; and shelled all the peas, then boiled them for ten minutes (seems long, I know, but we looked it up and it was right) to eat with vegan butter and a sprinkle of sea salt.  The beets are currently languishing in the crisper - we'll probably pickle them.

That's a punchbowl of local cherries

There was a slight hiccup at pick-up - we signed up for a two-person box but there was a one-person box there with my name on it instead - but the very nice young woman at the fruit stand allowed me to double up on the cherries and peas, and added a bunch of peaches as well, to make up for it.

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