Tuesday, May 14, 2024

spring break 2024

Welcome to vacation!  Before we get to the recap, I should 'fess up to something first.  Did we go out for beers every day of our spring break?  Yes, we did.  But (and here comes the rationalization) those drinks were literally the only thing we spent money on the whole time: we didn't eat out (but did eat three meals a day, because I upped my meal prep game), we didn't go to the grocery store (again, successful meal prep), and we didn't even have to fill the truck's gas tank until we were headed home.

We were a bit ahead of peak wildflowers
but they were starting to appear

On Friday, we were a little later getting started than planned (ugh work) and the traffic through Utah County was quite heavy.  It snowed on us going over Soldier Summit and was raining when we got to Moab.  Since it was later than we'd hoped, I just wanted to unpack and settle in; H went for a walk, stopping at Dewey's for a beer since there is a cover charge at Woody's at night.  (That is why we go out early.)

Appreciating the view from Pipe Dream

Saturday was the worst weather of the whole week: cloudy and off/on rain.  H and Milton did a trail run - while I walked, still anxious about re-injuring my knee - on Pipe Dream.  After getting cleaned up, we left the dog at home and strolled across town to check out the Moab Car Show (32nd year).  Our favorites were the really old trucks and the Studebakers, although I will always have a soft spot for classic muscle cars.  Since we had to walk by the Hoodoo to get home, we stopped at Josie Wyatt's for $2 PBRs.  After a quick dinner at home, we popped over next door to say farewell and safe travels to Lauren, our neighbor who was heading off to Oregon.

Pipe Dream art: "Cat"

The next day, Sunday, was overcast and cool but not actually rainy.  I took Milton on a Pipe Dream hike while H did a TON of weeding (kudos) (I helped a little when M and I got back).  Then H and I broke out the road bikes - I love my little Cannondale - for a sixteen mile road ride on the bike path, out along the river and up to the Arches National Park entrance.  Late afternoon we stopped by Woody's, running into our friend Chris and catching up with him.  After dinner we got out the firepit for some star-gazing as the skies started to clear.

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