Saturday, May 18, 2024

spring break part 2

Milton and I did a big hike on Monday, a gorgeous, sunshiny day: from the house, along Pipe Dream to Hidden Valley, up and across and over the pass to the Moab Rim trail, down through the wash and down to the river.  M also got to do a little swimming, cooling off and drinking his fill from the potholes still full from recent rains.  I texted H before our final descent and he met us at the Moab Rim parking lot after his 25 mile road ride.  

Hidden Valley

It took us about four hours to do that hike: I actually kept Milton leashed for the second half of Hidden Valley until we got out of the wash to keep him from overexerting himself - he was going pretty hard after lizards and ground squirrels (but fortunately didn't see the quail and rabbits).  For parking lot entertainment, we watched a group of old Broncos successfully making their way down the Z-corner and the Devil's Crack - it is still amazing to me what good off-roaders can do.  We went home, cleaned up and headed out on our town bikes for errands (bank, post office) and beer at Josie Wyatt's.  It was tacos for dinner at home and then some firepit time.

Claret cup cactus

Despite Milton's big day on Monday, he still went with H for a 3.5 miles trail run on Pipe Dream Tuesday morning.  After that, H and I saddled up the MTBs and did a ten mile (I was v e r y  s l o w) ride at Moab Brand Trails.  The sun was strong but the temperatures were only in the high 60s F so it was extrement pleasant.  

The pass between Hidden Valley and Moab Rim

We had our lunch at the picnic area overlooking the Colorado River just a few miles down Route 128 on the way back into town.  Late afternoon found us back at Josie Wyatt's for cheap beer and interesting conversation.

Little desert lupin

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