Wednesday, May 22, 2024

spring break part 3

 Wednesday was another high mileage day for the boys.  First, H and Milton did a 4+ mile trail run on Pipe Dream.  Then, while H did a 22 mile road ride, the dog and I did a 6+ mile hike.  H dropped us off at the radio tower up at Sand Flats Recreation Area, where we took Fins 'N Things out to the Grandstaff Canyon overlook.  We dropped down through the WSA (Wilderness Study Area) to follow a social trail down to where that branch of the canyon joined the main canyon, and then out along the creek to the Colorado River.  


I hadn't been along the main Grandstaff Canyon trail for a couple of years and I was shocked at how much the recent years' floods had changed the trail - completely rerouted in places.  I didn't recognize sections of the trail and was grateful that I couldn't get lost: only one way and one way out.  We saw hikers at the very start of our hike and at the very end but for the most part had the place to ourselves.

Still moody

H picked us up at the trailhead (whilst waiting, Milton got gratuitous fancy snacks from a nice Washington State couple with a 12 year old golden retriever who didn't mind sharing) and we three had lunch at the Colorado River overlook picnic spot.  By the time we got home, Milton was VERY tired and didn't mind at all when H and I went to Woody's.

New bike jersey, who dis?

We gave the dog a bit of a break on Thursday, leaving him to rest up while we did a 23 mile road ride: on the bike path from the house, through town, out and back on 128, past Arches National Park, and then the whole thing in reverse.  Then we collected lunch stuff and Milton and went up to the Slickrock Trailhead at Sand Flat Recreation Area for another picnic lunch.  It was a gorgeous clear day but the wind was rather chilly; even sitting in the sun required long sleeves and the shade was downright cold.  There were quite a few MTBers, including a bunch who seemed overly optimistic about their ability to ride the Slickrock Trail.  After getting cleaned up at home, we three walked to Spitfire for patio beers and socializing with tourists.

So trendy in my bucket hat

Friday was sunny and warm, but rather breezy ... which escalated to windy by the afternoon.  H and M did a short trail run (Pipe Dream saw a lot of action from us this week - it's so convenient) and then H and A repeated the 23 mile road ride.  Drinks at Woody's to welcome the weekend.

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