Sunday, May 26, 2024

spring break part 4

 Ah, the end is fast approaching.  On Saturday, while I did approximately three miles walking on Pipe Dream (out and back), H and Milton did a six mile trail run (out and back), so we started and ended together.  As previously mentioned, it is so nice having this trail so close as it allows M some off-leash time without us having to drive anywhere.  He doesn't care how often he goes - just as long as he gets to go.  H and I then did a 21 mile road ride (two times out and back along the river plus up to the Arches entrance).  Being the first weekend in May, it was the Kentucky Derby, so we went to Woody's: H's pick came in 2nd while mine (I always pick a gray) came in 12th.  We had texted our friend Chris and he invited us to stop by on the way home, which we did - he, his wife and little boy are good people.

Saturday sky

And then it was the last day.  H and Milton did their final Pipe Dream trail run, then all three of us did our now-traditional last day town walk, dropping off some used books at a local Little Library installation.  It was windy.  We did some more weeding, then cleaned the house and loaded the truck to head back to SLC.  

Coming down through Spanish Fork Canyon

The winds increased as we headed north, then it started to rain as we went up and over the mountain pass.  Then we began to see cars with snow on them as we pushed north through Utah County.  It was definitely snowing by the time we got home: the sidewalks and streets were wet but clear, but the roofs and lawns were covered with 2-3 inches of the white stuff.  We had to turn the HEAT on because the house was at 54F.  Vacation was clearly over.

Oh. My. Heck.

And then the laundry began.

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