Friday, August 9, 2024

csa summer: fourth box

 Our fourth Tagges CSA box arrived on July 24, which is a state holiday, Pioneer Day, celebrating the arrival of the Mormon pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847.  Or, if you are not of the Mormon persuasion, it's Pie-and-Beer Day and a day off from work.  (Unless you are H, whose East Coast corporate overlords were all, "Pioneer what?").  I had the day off and spent it walking Milton, weeding, putting away laundry, making black beans in the Instant Pot and catching up on a little work.  And when the CSA folks texted me before noon, saying that the box was ready and they'd be closing for the holiday at 4:30 - could I pick it up before then? - I drove right down and picked it right up.

Pioneer Day produce

We got a TON of green beans, five ears of corn, sixteen apricots, two cartons of blackberries, a big bulb of garlic, a zucchini and some rainbow carrots with the tops.  Obviously, we ate half the beans and corn that night, demolishing the rest the next day.  The apricots were on the underripe side so they rested until ripe and then got frozen for future baking projects and overnight oats.  The zucchini was, of course, shredded and frozen; the carrot tops made into more pesto (gosh we love pesto so much - all iterations).  And the carrots themselves: while I don't find the rainbow variety all that tasty (I like regular carrots better), I've got a new ginger-carrot-miso salad dressing recipe so they won't go to waste.

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