Monday, August 5, 2024

wild: flowers and life

This isn't so much a real post as it is the chance to share additional Alta wildflower photos.  On Sunday, I did the same thing I did Saturday (although H did not do another twelve-miler: he got on his bike to take a spin and found his legs rather heavy (understandably so)).  Milton and I walked, and then I double-sessioned up at Alta. 

Alpine death camas (my inner goth loves these)

I had to tamp down on some rage at the Instagrammers/family photo shoots who were literally ducking the ropes in order to get good flower field photos trample the flowers for their own gain.  But I did chat a little bit with another hiker, former Utah resident, now living on the east coast but back to do some hill climb training, and he was very nice - and then he waved me on ahead, saying I was setting a "good pace."

Columbine in the campground

Very quiet across the top of Catherine's Area.  As I started down the cat track, I kept hearing what sort of sounded like a pika call, except that area is wooded and not pika habitat.  I looked around and found a fox (!!) watching me, making those little meep noises until I went past and he deemed it safe enough to continue on his way.  I also saw a big mule deer doe when I got back to the Summer Road: she was thinking about crossing but ultimately decided against it.  And I also saw some elephants up close and person ... or at least elephanthead wildflowers, in the wet area under the Supreme lift between the camprground and Alf's.

Elephantheads! This whole spire
is about two inches long

The most "exciting" "wildlife" encounter, however, took place just as I was starting up from where I'd parked.  A Cadillac SUV rolled into the line of cars waiting to get up the Summer Road (parking restrictions and entry fees now in effect), with an Alta Marshal right behind him, lights a-blaze.  As I walked past, the marshal was walking back to his vehicle with the Caddy driver's license in hand.  I gave him a wave and he gave me a huge grin and a "good morning" right back.  Moral of the story: When the Alta speed limit says 25 mph, they mean it.

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