Saturday, August 17, 2024

heat management

By careful management of working hours, we put together a three day weekend in Moab at the end of July.  Was it hot?  Yes, in the low 100s, but that was pretty much how hot Salt Lake City was that weekend so it wasn't like we were missing a cold front or anything.  Because of the heat, however, we had to be smart about outdoor recreating.  Both Friday and Saturday Milton and I got up early and did our Millcreek hike, getting to the trailhead around 6 a.m.  The water in the creek is down but still flowing, so there was plenty for him to drink and splash around. 

The Main Street/Millcreek underpass 

On Friday, after the Millcreek hike, and on Sunday, a little earlier because there was no Millcreek hike, H and A did road rides on the bike path.  They've gotten most of the bike path cleaned up after the floods earlier in the summer - there's only a short section by the veterinary hospital that is still blocked off, unsafe because the creek washed the embankment away from under the paved path.  The photo above this paragraph is from July 6 and shows A standing in the tunnel under Main Street on top of all the sand the flooded creek left behind.  The photo below shows A in the exact same spot twenty days later, after they removed all the sand and debris.  (Literally wearing the exact same outfit both times.)

I'm five feet tall so I was on
about three feet of sand before

The Saturday 21-mile bike ride was a little different in that A did it solo.  You see, H didn't really feel like riding after he did a HALF MARATHON distance trail run!!  We all got up around 5 a.m. and drove out to Moab Brand Trails.  And while A and M did their Circle O loop, H ran 13.1 miles in 2:20:00.  He looked really good at the end of it too.  There wasn't much of a crowd to cheer him on, but Milton ran that last little bit with him across the parking lot.  So proud of him!

The boys charging to the finish

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