Mother Nature gave northern Utah a late spring gift last week in the form of a big ol' storm that dropped 26" up at Alta Thursday night/Friday. By all accounts, Friday was a fantastic day to storm-ski. We couldn't get up there then because of work but we made sure to be up there on time Saturday morning.
Pretty good coverage in Catherine's Area
Since the ski bus has ended for the season, we had to drive up. It felt weird, being able to bring multiple pairs of skis and lots of clothing options, but at the same time I was grateful to be able to do so. I knew I wanted my Rossignols for the morning, when we might be able to find some deep stuff that wasn't too skied-out, but as the day wore on, and the snow got heavier and more clumped up, I'd want to switch to my shorter Salomons.
That's as far as you get in Devil's Castle
Catherine's Area and the Backside had been open on Friday but we figured we could still find some good stuff out in Catherine's. After a warm-up run on Collins, we went over to Supreme and did a run in our favorite gate off the first Catherine's Area meadow. We were surprised to find some scratchy spots where the newer snow had blown away, but generally speaking it was pretty good for mid-April. On our next run, we went all the way in at Catherine's Area, moving past the few other skiers in there. We took in the view at Catherine's Pass, noting several backcountry skiers skinning up from the Brighton side, then did our run through the glade. The snow here was fantastic: deep and soft and protected from the wind.

We did a run in through a lower gate off Rock 'N Roll, going through the trees to come out under the Devil's Apron where a ski patroller and his dog (either Fitz or Lucy) checking things out up there. Ski Patrol had been working all morning to get Devil's Castle open and when it was, we went in - for our first time all year. The snow was definitely heavier than it had been out in Catherine's Area but it was still soft and skiable. I just did one run but H went back in for a second go at it, that time hiking all the way in, as far as he could go, until the rock cliff stopped him.

After lunch, the sun started to heat things up, making the snow heavier, and I did go back to the truck to switch out my skis. We then skied around from lift to lift, searching out the best conditions and hoping for that buttery snow we'd had last time (not to be found, however). By 2;30 p.m. my legs were toast and we headed home. Closing Day (whereby Alta closes for daily operations but re-opens on weekends through the beginning of May) coming right up!
A rare shot of us both. I need to bend my knees