Back up in northern Utah, we got an all day storm on Thursday - like, literally raining/snowing all day down in the Salt Lake Valley. It didn't amount to much throughout the day, instead waiting until after the evening commute to accumulate much. We had maybe 3-4 inches by Friday morning, mostly on grassy surfaces as the drive in to work wasn't bad.
The mountains fared pretty well: Alta got three-ish much needed feet of snow. And, for a change, the storm did not take place over the weekend, which meant that H's bus ride on Saturday morning was on time and, whilst crowded, not overcrowded. Same with the actual skiing: it was busy, but not overrun. And with partly sunny skies and temperatures in the 20s, H declared that it was the first day he'd skied all season that I would have enjoyed. The snow was pretty good, softer off-piste than on the groomers. They're up to a 120" base, with 348" on the season. Not great but could be worse.
M and I kept ourselves busy while H was skiing. We did our 4.8 mile loop, stopping to meet a 140 lb. Pyrenees mix named Bentley who was just delightful. At home, we made switchel, infused some rum with lemon peel, made chocolate chip cookies and InstantPot black beans. When H got home, I walked to the library for more books; then when I got home, H went for a quick run; then when H got home, we three all went to Costco to replace our recently-deceased t.v. Fortuntely, that Costco is right near a sports bar we like so we were able to fortify ourselves with a beer after venturing into weekend retail.