Tuesday, April 9, 2019

in which we get our mountain back

The forecast for Saturday in the mountains was warmish but cloudy as the overnight storm that brought several inches to the ski resorts moved out of the area.  Alta was having Demo Days* so the base area was a little busy.  But it wasn't crowded anywhere on the mountain or at Alf's at lunchtime; the IKON Pass hordes have moved on to other pursuits.  Yay!

Where the sky and the ground match

We saw peeks of sunshine in the morning, then the clouds rolled in midday and it got downright foggy in the afternoon.  We did four or five runs on Collins to start, the new snow softening things up nicely, plus it hadn't really frozen up hard overnight.  Then we split up for a bit until lunch and I cruised Sugarloaf until then.  Razorback was very nice: they had groomed it flat and it was lovely and soft.  On one chair ride, I saw H skiing out of Chartreuse; he was the only one in there and later, he confirmed that that was for good reason as it just wasn't very good. 

After lunch, we did laps on Supreme together.  The very best snow of the whole day was on the last pitch of Big Dipper, on skier's right where there's a double fall line.  The snow there was just creamy - hero snow for me.

I skied out a bit around 2:15 and caught the 3 p.m. bus down; H kept on until closing (when the weather changed again and a small graupel storm moved in) and took the 5 p.m. bus.  Those were our last bus rides of the season as the program has finished up.  (Don't ask me why they stop running the buses on Saturday and not Sunday.  It makes no sense to me.)

*  We can't understand why they do Demo Days so late in the season when it's spring conditions.  People want to demo powder skis - not frozen-slush-in-the-morning and slushy-slush-in-the-afternoon skis.

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