Tuesday, June 18, 2019

mostly dry

I was out of town for a week at the beginning of June but got back on Saturday evening, which meant that we were able to go MTBing in Park City on Sunday.  The weather in northern Utah has finally started drying up (for the most part) so the trails were pretty dry (for the most part).  We did have to wait for temperatures to warm up, however; we pulled into Quinn's Trailhead at Round Valley around 11:30 a.m. when it had reached 50 F.  We don't usually get such a late start for anything and I was a little taken aback at how full the parking lot was.  Amazingly, we didn't have to deal with that many people out on the trails.

Still cool enough for long sleeves

We rode for a couple of hours, knocking out about fourteen miles.  I was slow and breathing hard, since I felt like I had been at sea level for about a week (I had, in fact); I rode some sections pretty well and others like a spaz.  We did play around with our route a little since there were still a couple of trails that were closed for construction and/or mud: among others, we climbed PorcUClimb and the sagebrush switchbacks section of Rambler, descended Down Dog and the other side of Rambler.  I even made it up the Staircase with barely any struggle - so I must have been doing better than I thought.

It's a late start for hiking and MTBing in northern Utah.  Snowbird still has over 90 inches and is running top to bottom on the weekends.  Alta's Cecret Lake is just barely starting to ice out - the Albion Basin wildflowers will be late this year - and they only just opened Guardsman Pass between Brighton and Park City.  Believe me when I say that I appreciate that we were able to get out there on dry, dirt trails on our MTBs.

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