Sunday, May 3, 2020

adding to our repertoire

Sunday was a little bit warmer but with some thin clouds in the morning, the sun wasn't so strong.  We loaded the MTBs back up and, after a little discussion, headed back to the MOAB Brand trails.  We had considered Navajo Rocks or Seven-Up but this entailed slightly less driving, plus we were both a little stiff and sore from the prior day's ride (embarrassing!).

Stunning claret cup cactus

There were even fewer cars in the parking lot when we got there, although there would be around ten vehicles when we finished our ride.  To switch things up a little bit, we did Lazy E-Z first.  We'd hiked the whole thing early in the year, and we'd ridden the front bit which follows the rocky ridge where it meets the field.  We both felt like we rode the front side pretty well.  The route then crosses over into the ridge and climbs through some very pretty scenery, gaining elevation quickly via switchbacks.  I was able to ride 95% of it, which tells you that it isn't particularly technical.

Looking like I know what I'm doing

The descent is super-fun, swooping down through the meadow on wide turns.  I don't know anything about building MTB trails but it's evident that whoever built Lazy E-Z knew what they were doing.  Then, to get our mileage in, we did a loop around Rusty Spur/Bar M afterwards, our legs and backs having loosened up during the first part of the ride.

All fixed

When we were done, we had sandwiches and beers on the tailgate, per usual.  It was awfully nice to get back on the MTBs - hooray for getting the truck fixed!

Ride stats:  13.88 miles; 1:33 time; 8.9 avg. m.p.h.

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