Wednesday, April 21, 2021

beginning to bloom

As we have in our other Moab weekends this winter when we've driven the car down, we went out to the Moab Brand Trails so H could MTB while Milton and I walked.  There was again a slight uptick in the number of vehicles at the trailhead lot - including a couple of tour vans - the influx of visitors increasing as the temperatures rise.  Still, it didn't seem quite as busy as when we'd been down at the confluence of Jeep Safari and April vacation.


The trails were not that busy either.  H had to get around just two or three groups on Lazy-EZ before he was able to get ahead of everyone; Milton and I saw just a couple people on the Bar M loop and only seven riders out on Circle O.   It was definitely drier than the last time we were there but Milt still found a full pothole to drink out of and wade into, even plunging his nose under and blowing bubbles.

Blossom smaller than my pinkie nail

H met up with Milt and me on the parking lot cut off and I let the dog off the leash, allowing him to chase H back to the car  As we changed shoes, ate our sandwiches and quaffed some beers, Milton made friends with the folks who pulled in next to us.  Almost before she was out of the car, the woman had asked if he was friendly and then proceded to give him such good ear scritches that he was leaning into her, only whining once when she accidentally stepped on his tail and not even pulling away at that.  Her husband rolled his eyes and told her that he'd go ahead and unload her MTB so she could keep petting Milt.

Even though we're mid-April, I haven't seen all that many desert wildflowers yet.  The cacti should be blooming soon but all I found were some tiny, tiny pink blooms poking their hopeful faces out of cracks in the slickrock.  They weren't showy but resilient and ready for spring.  May we all be the same.

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