Thursday, March 24, 2022

round and round we go

 Saturday proved warmer than Friday, perfect for a Moab Brand trails excursion.  Due to increasing gas prices, we opted to bring the Subaru so this was one of those H: MTB/A: hike deals; Milton, that lucky dog, would get to do a little of each.  We are definitely edging towards full season and there were quite a few vehicles already in the lot when we got there.  As H did some on-site bike maintenance, Milt and I headed out on foot.  The dog kept checking back over his shoulder, expecting H to catch us, but by the time we had gotten across the parking lot cut-off to the Bar M double track, he had switched focus and was ranging far and wide, sniffing out critters.  I was grateful that he hadn't seen the desert cottontail that I saw - he'd likely be chasing after it still.

La Sals

We segued from Bar M to Circle O and I had a moment of indecision about layering: it was warm in long sleeves but cool with the breeze in short sleeves.  I stuck with long sleeves and, once we turned to head north, I was happy with the decision.  Milt didn't care either way, running and sniffing and yet careful to check back in with me.  A couple of groups of four MTBers passed us while we were out on the rock but however many people were in the parking lot, they weren't out on the rock with us.

Arches NP

As we neared the end of Circle O, we saw a group of MTBers about a quarter mile away: four guys going the way we were and H solo, coming towards us.  Milton saw them, paused until he was able to pick H out from the other (I do not know how he does it at that distance) and then took off like a bat out of hell, leaping and bounding until he had caught up with him.  H waved to me and then the two of them headed out, back to Bar M, around the now-posted far end and then down the hill by the North 40 to catch the sandy double-track back to the car.  I had gotten there first and had snacks/beers ready and waiting.  The parking lot had filled in somewhat: Milton was tired but not so tired that he couldn't introduce himself to the folks on either side of us.

Ride stats: 13.26 miles (H on MTB)

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