Sunday, December 18, 2022

in between games

It wasn't all soccer, all the time, of course.  Friday evening, after we got home from the afternoon games, we found ourselves back at our neighbor's house (with Milton, who gets along with her dog), still talking about the game (our neighbor is a massive Messi fan).  Her roommates showed up, then her neighbors on the other side showed up with their cutie pie dog Terra.  Then I ran back to our place for snacks, and the other neighbor brough snacks from their place ... and before we knew it, we were having a chill, spontaneous party that was just so much fun.  When H, Milt and I finally wandered home around 8 p.m. (we were the first to leave), we realized that we'd just spent twelve hours with other people.  Wow!

Our neighbor's neighbors' dog Terra

Milton and I got out on Saturday between the morning and afternoon games for a quick three-ish miles on Pipedream.  That trail is great for morning hikes this time of year because it's along east-facing cliffs and gets morning sun as soon as it rises above the LaSal mountains.  Of course, this also means that it loses the sun quickly this time of year, with those cliffs looming overhead to block the sun.  The sections that were still in the sun were pleasant and even muddy in spots; the shady sections were definitely chilly and still frozen.

Frosty spot

Snow in the mountains

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