Wednesday, February 15, 2023


 I went back east for a week for family and while I was gone, H and Milton spent that week in Moab.  I have nothing to share from their time there because (a) H had to work all week, although he did get a road ride in each day after clocking out, and (b) the only photo he took was of all the snow that slid off the roof that he had to break apart.  He and Milton did do a good MTB ride on Saturday, out at Moab Brand Trails.  They did 9.7 miles - slow, so Milt wouldn't overdo it, and with a couple of quick water breaks - and the dog was dog-tired afterwards.

Made muffins first - hearty and good for
pre-hiking snacks

I got back to SLC around 8:30 p.m. Sunday night, then had a very busy week at work.  By the time the weekend rolled around, I needed a down day.  So Saturday H went skiing by himself.  Milton and I did a 4-5 mile walk and then, all the rest of the day, I cooked (and did a load of laundry).  Some of the recipes worked (cookies and stew), some not so much (bread, per usual), some were staples that needed replenshing (veggie broth and sauteed onions and celery for soup starters (not pictured)).  But I got a lot of gratification out of it and we got to restock our freezer a bit.

Veggie broth from saved veg scraps

favorite around here)

Plum sauce (adapted from Freeze Fresh
and using the last of our CSA plums
from the freezer)

Hatch green chile stew

Good for dunking in stew, at least

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