Monday, July 24, 2023

working dog

 We recently had to get a new roof put on our house - huge shout-out to Bighorn Roofing and their tireless, efficient and super hard-working crew.  This is not a quiet endeavor, however.  The crew got started earlier than we expected,beginning Tuesday later afternoon and not stopping until 8:30 p.m. that night (it was in the upper 90s too); all three of us in the house were twitchy and rattled from the banging and scraping while we were finishing dinner.

Taking a meeting

With all the noise, we knew Milton could not stay home on Wednesday, when they were scheduled to work all day.  So H snuck him into work, because he works in a large office that is mostly deserted since everyone works from home now.  Milt didn't like the elevator but he did like it when the office manager came over and sat right down on the floor to give him belly rubs.

Keeping an eye on things

It was a full day for him as H's unpaid intern.  There was sleeping under H's desk, sleeping on his blanket and staring out the window at the parking lot.  The boys also went out for lunch to a nearby sports bar with a dog-friendly patio.  Milton thought that this would be an excellent opportunity for him to network bake himself in the sun.

Lunch.  He could be in the shade.  But no.

When they were done with their work day, the crew was still on our roof, so H and Milton hung out at a local park where they could sit in the shade and Milton could nervously watch soccer-playing children.  By 6:30 p.m., the roofers had cleaned up and taken off so we all went home and enjoyed the quiet.  Milton crashed hard and slept well all night - being a working dog takes it out of you, I guess.

He had his lead on so he couldn't
wander off, but he wasn't going anywhere

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