Sunday, December 24, 2023

best to get above it

 As I mentioned in my last post, there hasn't been any snow in weeks - a stark difference from 2022/2023 when it began snowing mid-October and then, on average, snowed every 3-4 days for six months.  On the plus side, my fifteen mile (one-way) commute has not been particularly stressful.  On the other hand, we are getting inversions in the Salt Lake valley and the air is gross.  Last winter, the storms came in so often that I don't think we had a single bad air quality day.  Good times.

From the Instagram of a local trailrunner

To combat the smog that blows in from California, is exacerbated by the increased SLC traffic and gets caught between the Oquirrh and Wasatch mountain ranges, you gotta get high.  By which I mean get up into the mountains to go skiing / ice-climbing / hiking / snowshoeing.  Or you could go to Park City, but they're gearing up for Sundance and aint nobody wants to get caught up in that.  H went skiing again on Sunday, reporting no lift lines, sunnier skies (although not particularly warm) and two porcupine sightings The snow conditions are the same, the base is slightly less due to evaporation, and it is going to be a RUDE awakening the week between Christmas and New Year's when the entire world (stupid IKON pass) shows up at Alta.

The rest of the family (me, Milton) did our thing in the valley, wincing at the building haze.  We walked Dimple Dell again, contributed to the emissions by doing an IKEA run, then did laundry, vacuumed, meal-prepped for the week ahead and made a multi-bean soup for dinner and the freezer.  The multi-beans were black beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, split green peas and black-eyed peas, for those wondering - sort of a clean-out-the-pantry soup.

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