Whereas last summer we didn't hike that much because of my having to recover from the Memorial Day weekend ankle spring, this summer we have not been hiking that much because H has been getting into trail running. I am envious but super-wary of starting up running again after that overuse knee thing I got this winter (getting older can be a drag physically). Obviously, when H does a fifteen (!!!!!) mile trail run on a Saturday, he's not that anxious to hike on Sunday. And ain't no one can blame him for that.
So that Saturday, a couple weeks ago, when H strung together fifteen (!!!!!) miles in Dimple Dell and along the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, Milton and I did our own usual Dimple Dell loop, and then I double-sessioned by going up to Alta for my exercise loop. As the wildflowers fade, so have the looky-loos (slightly, anyway) and I only passed twenty-four other hikers on my way up to Catherine's Pass. That afternoon, we enjoyed watching a thunderstorm move through the Wasatch Front from the shelter of our garage. Milton didn't enjoy it quite so much but bravely waited it out from under the truck.
On Sunday, H did a recovery bike ride while the other two of us did Dimple Dell. When I went up to Alta afterwards, the Sunday situation was in full force, at least at first: there were just nine hikers for me to pass. I got to spend a minute or two with a curious young ermine who was playing around on the trail just below the pass. And then, in the creek under the Supreme chairlift, a young male moose was completely uninterested in all the people trying to take his picture.
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