Friday, December 2, 2011

'tis the season, i guess

I prefer to get the Christmas decorations out and up just a couple weeks before Christmas and then leaving them up through New Year's.  A lot of folks in our neighborhood are way gung-ho about the holiday, though, and had their trees and lights up by Thanksgiving.  (A whole month of Christmas is just too much, in my opinion).  There's one house down the street from us who is really making the power company happy right about now - H, B and I walked down to check it out tonight before dinner:

Where does one store it all in the off-season?

You can't tell from the photo, but there are a moving Ferris wheel, merry-go-round and teeter-totter in there too.  It was actually kind of pretty, in an over-the-top, gaudy kind of way.

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