Thursday, February 22, 2018

before the storm

We woke up and looked at the weather and webcams Sunday morning.  It was overcast and gray, with the storm positioning itself to move into the area in the afternoon.  I weighed the pros (skiing) with the cons (flat light, windy, sore throat and cough) and opted out for myself, but encouraged H to go lest he get too fidgety from sitting around the house all day.  He got up and took the 7:30 bus up to Alta; I slept in an hour, then took the 8:30 bus up to Alta because I had to pick up my skis from the ski shop.

Where the sky matches the snow

Things at the ski areas were noticeably less busy than they had been on Saturday.  I figured that most people had skied in the sunshine on Saturday, decided to skip the flat light on Sunday and then planned to go back on Monday for the new snow.  There were only a handful of people on my bus and when I got up to Alta, there were so few people in the corral at 9:20 a.m. that I easily found H standing in the singles line.  I said hi, grabbed my skis from the ski shop and was back on the bus heading down canyon at 9:30 a.m.  I was the only rider the whole way down.

H was on his tele/NTN set-up and had a pretty successful day, other than when some jackass ran into him and knocked him down (H was unhurt, luckily).  He skied until 2 and then came back down.  The storm was just starting up as he left, with winds picking up and snow starting to spit down.  They were forecasting pretty good amounts to come in overnight so we knew that Monday would be a completely different story, conditions-wise.  Let it snow - we need it.

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