Tuesday, May 4, 2021

weekend things

 It's a good thing H had such a gorgeous weekend for Alta's first close because the next weekend, when Alta really closed for the season, had a marked lack of sun.  It was cloudy and damp both Saturday and Sunday down in the valley, never getting above the low 60s; up in the mountains there was flat light and gray days.  H opted to end on a high note and stayed in the valley, getting a couple of rides in as the rain held off.  Milton and I did our walks, plus I switched over to my summer clothes, packing away the winter wardrobe (and then, Monday, wishing I hadn't since it was 30s and raining all day), plus dehydrating yet another batch of tofu jerky.  I've made quite a lot of jerky over the past month but I've got to do it now because running the dehydrator - which pumps out a lot of hot air - in the summer is less than appealing.

"What are those little dogs doing over there?"

H, who has been stuck in the house working all year, was not that eager to be stuck in the house all weekend as well.  On Saturday, we went to the Hog Wallow for a pitcher.  It was pretty busy - skiers, scruffy old dudes, bros, tables of girls drinking Moscow mules - but we were able to snag spots on the end of the bar, well away from the hoi polloi.

Milton loooooooves Kylie

On Sunday, we bundled up (temperatures were in the low 50s with no sun) and bundled Milton into the car for a dog party at the Sugarhouse home of some friends.  They have four dogs - three middle-aged miniature daschshunds and one terrier mix - and were also dog-sitting a nine month old Bernerdoodle that looked like a golden retriever.  Milt had met the smaller dogs before and loved them, following them all around the huge yard.  Molly the puppy took some getting used to but before too long, he was getting her to chase him, and not longer after that, they were actually wrestling and rough-housing with each other.  This was a big step for Milton: he's always been afraid when other dogs get rough-and-tumble.  We were so proud - and the dog party was a big hit, with successful socialization for both four-footed and two-footed attendees.

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