Tuesday, December 14, 2021

sevenmile (not seven miles)

On Saturday, H wanted a town day: he needed a book and was hoping Back of Beyond would have some more Zane Grey.  I had been to the library just days previously (and Milton can't read) so the two of us drove north of town, turned onto Route 313 and pulled into the shockingly busy parking area just before the S-curves.  There were five other cars already there!  For Sevenmile Canyon!  I was incredulous but, as it turned out, we only saw two other people and we were on our way back out back then.

Oh that sky

Once again, it was pleasant in the sun but chilly in the shade; there was even some ice in some of the side canyons where the sun never reaches this time of year.  We worked our way up, including the side canyons - one of which brought us right underneath where'd we'd been on Thanksgiving during our Wipe Out hike - for an hour and a half, then turned around and walked out the main canyon.   This fork of Sevenmile Canyon is not as sandy as the south one but it is still challenging to walk in spots.  Soft sand is not my favorite.

Unsurprisingly, I'd had no cell service whatsoever in the canyon so I pulled over into the Moab Giants parking lot to text H that we were heading home.  We had just gotten into town when he texted me back that I should swing by Dewey's.  I did, finding a shady parking spot (although Milton, being the sun-worshiper that he is, probably would have preferred a brighter one) right out front, which I was surprised at, given how busy town was.  H and I had a beer, chatted with the bartender, and then we headed back home for a quiet night in.

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