Tuesday, October 20, 2009

case of the gloomies

It's raining; my brakes squeak; I've only had one interview emerge from the two dozen or so resumes I've sent out; I have sock farmer-tan lines on my calves from last Saturday's hike; and spyware seems to be plaguing my computer (for which I blame Comcast - had no issues with TimeWarner in our 4+ years with them).

On the plus side, $2.00 beers at the Porcupine tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Friend Mouse, working is so overrated when you are in an exciting new place, consider this divine intervention to allow you to get to know your new home a little better. While I can't assist with computers, weather or brakes - this is not my work - I can tell you that the new airbrush spray tanning will solve your farmers tan blues likity split. I too fell victim to the dreaded farmers tan on my ONE sunny summer day in Maine, and was saved by air brush technology moments before leaving on vacation. Fear not Friend Mouse, the sun will come out tomorrow...at least in SLC.
