Sunday, November 15, 2009

note to selves

When driving around in a snowstorm, checking out potential houses to buy, be very cautious driving through intersections in housing developments because sometimes there are HUGE speed-dips (the opposite of speedbumps) that are completely filled in with snow and if you hit them too fast, you can slide out of control into the curb.  And if you're lucky, you won't crunch the hell out of the front end of your truck. 

We were lucky.  Whew.


  1. Speed dips huh...interesting. How is the house hunting going? Maybe it's time for Mr. Mouse to get one of those kits to jack up the truck....

  2. Don't encourage him - he's been talking about it ever since we got out here!

  3. There's actually a place literally across the street from us whose website is :)
