Wednesday, July 20, 2022


H has been researching e-bikes as a way to make his commute more environmentally friendly.  He's certainly fit enough to just commute on a regular bike but there is a wicked hill on the commute home - like, the whole thing is uphill, and steep in one spot - so an e-bike seemed like the way to go.  Plus, who doesn't want to buy a new bike?!!

Trying it out

After exhaustive research, he ended up getting a RadWagon electric cargo bike, which I think is one of the coolest-looking bikes around.  And this thing can haul!  It can carry up to 350 lbs. (including the rider) and comes with all kinds of accessories so you can customize it to suit your needs: bags, baskets, running boards, buckets, canopies, pet carriers.

Milton says, despite this mock-up,
it will not be used as a pet carrier

H is hoping to use the RadWagon (which clearly needs a name) in place of the truck for commuting and errands, year-round to the extent possible.  So he wanted a bin on the back that would hold his laptop bag, but also be big enough for groceries or a case of beer.  This would also require a platform mounted on the back of the bike for support.  


Rather than buy something, he designed and built it over the course of two weekends: gluing the boards together for the platform, then reinforceing them with brackets; painting it a sleek black; drilling the holes and mounting it on the bike; and finally mounting the tub onto the platform.  


It looks fantastic (and we spent some time putting a bunch of stickers on it so it looks even cooler now) and is just what he was imagining.  So rad!

Wicked rad

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