Monday, July 11, 2022

sandflats to the river

Ever since we realized that we could hike from the Sandflats Recreation Area down to the Colorado River via Grandstaff Canyon, I've wanted to do it.  We hiked up the canyon about halfway, then turned around and gone back out; we've hiked down the canyon halfway, and then turned around and hiked back up.  It's just not feasible without a shuttle car.  Or a good plan.

Grandstaff overlook from Fins N' Things

H wanted to just do a road ride but Milton and I wanted to hike.  Our plan was for H to drop us off at the antenna off the Sandflats road; we would hike down canyon while H did his twenty-five mile ride; H would pick us up at the Grandstaff Canyon trailhead parking lot when we were done.  I didn't think I had any cell service along the river, and we weren't really sure how long this would take us, so he would leave home at 9 to come pick us up (and I would text if I could and we got out sooner).

Upper Grandstaff

We got dropped off at 6:15, walked out Fins N' Things against traffic (there was no traffic at that time of the morning) and turned left onto the overlook spur.  At the canyon overlook, we walked through the gap in the fence marking the WSA (Wilderness Study Area) boundary and headed down into the canyon.

Almost swimming

There was tons of birdsong and, once we got to the bottom, plenty of water.  Milton got down before I did - the trail is easy to follow and pretty good underfoot, alhtough cliffy in a couple of spots - and had already plunged into a small pool, much to the dismay of the resident frogs.  From there, we just followed the trail out until our branch of the canyon merged with the popular, Morning Glory Arch-containing, other branch.

Lower Grandstaff

We encountered a fair number of people on our walk out, but not nearly as many as I expected for a Saturday morning.  Things definitely seem a little quieter in Moab - too hot for those who know better, I suspect.  We got to the parking lot around 8:35 and I tried to text H for an earlier pick-up.  As I suspected, no service, so Milton and I found a comfortable rock in the shade to sit on.  With all the rafts, SUPs and kayaks heading up the river, there was plenty to watch while we waited.

When he got us, we drove back down river to the new picnic area (now with pit toilet!) for snacks/beers.  While we were there, we watched two girls with backpacks hiking along the cliffs above the river, making their way up and over the point.  Not too long after that, we heard the BANG of parachutes opening and we watched two BASE jumpers floating down to the road from the cliffs overhead.  It was those two girls, and when they landed, they efficiently packed up their chutes, hopped in their car and drove off.  It had taken no more than an hour and half, from when they drove in until when they drove away.

Hike stats: 6.08 miles; 2:09 hours / 2.8 m.p.h. moving; 2:19 / 2.6 overall; 490' elevation

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